GlobalSign SSL 
The GlobalSign certificate is the preferred certificate in the e-commerce industry and the SSL Certificates favored by major Internet companies in China.

GlobalSign is a CA issuing agency established in 1996. As the world's first company to provide digital certificates, Globalsign provides communication encryption, automated identity authentication and other services to business units, large enterprises, cloud-based service providers and Internet of Things companies around the world. GlobalSign is also currently a leading company in IoT security. Its PKI cloud solution and Active Directory integration are used by thousands of world-renowned companies. They provide comprehensive certificate management for SSL, secure email, document signing and code signing, helping organizations manage compliance risks and reduce unique PKI costs Currently, thousands of companies around the world rely on GlobalSign's IDaaS to protect computer operating environments, reduce management costs, and ensure the security of mission-critical workflows and services. These include domestic companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, and Jingdong.
Why choose GlobalSign
High credibility
The world's highly trusted CA has issued more than 2.5M certificates, and its customers include major Internet e-commerce companies and IT companies.
high safety
WebTrust security certification supports multiple encryption algorithms such as SHA2, RSA2048, ECC, etc.
High compatibility
GlobalSign SSL is trusted by all major browsers, applications and devices, making it easy to deploy SSL Certificates.
Good technical support
Globalsign has a technical support team in China that can provide fast and reliable technical services.
products are complete
GlobalSign provides a variety of digital certificate products, including SSL Certificates, code signing certificates, document signing certificates, email signatures, etc.
7-day money-back guarantee
If you are dissatisfied or have compatibility issues in the use and deployment of GlobalSign certificates, you can apply for a refund within 7 days of the successful issuance of the digital certificate.